
The meaning of a tendinopathy is fairly simple, it means pathology of the tendon. For some reason, the tendon has been overloaded over time with a small amount of force or a large amount of force within a short period of time. The tendon then becomes irritated and inflamed, consequently resulting in pain. Occasionally, patients will suppress this pain by taking analgesics or anti-inflammatories and although this will help immediately, it does not address the cause of the problem, instead only fixing the symptoms. 

Management often includes deloading the tendon, meaning moderate rest or limiting  excessive movement. This will prevent further stressors on the tendon essentially allowing it to focus on healing. Blood flow is extremely important for tendinopathies. Well oxygenated blood provides the nutrients in order for the tendon to heal. This can come in multiple ways. Manual therapy is one of the most common ways a physio will utilise blood flow to help with the healing process of a tendon. It is sometimes painful but with consistency, there will be a significant  reduction in pain when loading the tendon. Utilising moderate exercise is also vital. It’s important to note that this exercise/movement must be pain free. If the movements become painful, you are pushing the tendon beyond its capabilities. Remaining pain free during the exercises is key. Growing evidence suggests that isometric exercises are most beneficial. These are exercises where the tendon does not change in length.


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